Get Involved!


  • Membership Information and Benefits

    Joining Rotary eClub Ibiza International (ReCII) means becoming part of a global network of individuals dedicated to service, leadership, and making a positive impact. As a member, you'll enjoy numerous benefits, including:

    - Fellowship:
    Connect with like-minded individuals locally and internationally, forging lifelong friendships and professional relationships.

    - Service Opportunities:
    Engage in meaningful service projects that address local and global needs, allowing you to give back to your community.

    - Leadership Development:
    Enhance your leadership skills through various roles and responsibilities within the club and Rotary International.

    - Global Network:
    Access a worldwide network of over 1.4 million Rotarians, opening doors to new opportunities for collaboration and growth.

    - Personal Growth:
    Participate in programs and activities that promote personal and professional development.

    - Recognition:
    Gain recognition for your contributions and achievements within the club and the broader Rotary community.

  • Membership Process

    We typically invite prospective members to join us for approximately two months, attending both our online weekly meetings and two of our in-person events. This period allows you to get to know us and experience the club's dynamic environment.

    Membership Tiers:

    - Full Members:
    Fully engaged in all club activities, projects, and meetings.

    - Associate Members:
    A flexible option for those who wish to contribute but may have time constraints. Associate Members can participate in selected activities and projects as their schedules allow.

    How to Join the Club

    Joining ReCII is simple!

    Contact us directly via email or utilize our CONTACT page. We will guide you through the membership process and welcome you into our vibrant community.

  • Volunteer Opportunities & Donations

    At Rotary eClub Ibiza International, there are numerous ways to get involved beyond membership. Whether you have time, skills, or resources to contribute, your involvement is invaluable. Here are some ways you can participate:

    - Volunteer Opportunities:
    Participate in various service projects and community initiatives. Volunteers are essential to our mission, and we welcome individuals who are eager to make a difference.

    - Donation Options:
    Support our projects and initiatives through financial contributions. Your donations help us fund vital programs and extend our reach to those in need.

Local Charities & Services We Are Pleased To Work With

Our Commitment to Local Charities

As a newly established club, Rotary eClub Ibiza International is eager to forge strong partnerships with a wide range of charitable organizations on Ibiza and Formentera.

We are deeply committed to supporting and working alongside all charitable entities in our community.

Our mission is to create positive, lasting change, and we believe this is best achieved through inclusive and diverse collaborations.

We look forward to engaging with and supporting the incredible work being done by various organizations across the islands, ensuring that our efforts benefit the entire community.

ADDIF (Ibiza & Formentera)

Es Port 360 Experiences Co-Organizers

We are proud to co-organize the Es Port 360 Experiences on June 21st, 2024, in support of ADDIF Ibiza.

This exciting event brings together our community to celebrate and contribute to the invaluable work of ADDIF Ibiza, fostering inclusion and empowerment for all. Join us for a day of immersive experiences and meaningful connections!


The Adapted Sports Association of Ibiza and Formentera (ADDIF) was founded in Ibiza in 1994 to defend the rights and improve the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families through sports and leisure.

ADDIF is the reference entity in adapted and inclusive sports on the islands of Ibiza and Formentera and offers a service for people with functional diversity according to their needs and preferences, taking into account the advances that are presented and continuously innovating.


The mission of Cáritas is to promote the comprehensive development of people and peoples, especially the poorest and most excluded, so that they can live in a dignified way.

List of sponsors and their contributions